
Learn Strategic Thinking Series Part 1 – Elevating Your Perspective

Strategic thinking is a crucial skill in the world, and one way to enhance it is by elevating your perspective. This article explores how this method can help us improve our strategic thinking, backed by real-world scenarios, and provides five clear steps to practice this approach. Additionally, we’ll discuss a measuring mechanism to track improvement […]

The Influential Mind Book summary – Upskillshare Softskills Learning Community

🧠📚 Hello Learning Minds, have you discovered Upskillshare? 🌟🌈 Let’s embark on a thought-provoking journey through the insightful chapters of “The Influential Mind,” authored by Dr. Tali Sharot. This book delves into the fascinating realm of human persuasion and influence. Let’s explore the wisdom within each chapter and unlock the secrets of the influential mind! […]

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