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What should be “The New Normal” for Education?


  1. I would like to introduce to a thought experiment that if the entire humanity is a part of an army working for one organisation who are supposed to make our world better in dealing with attacks from other planets. If schooling and college education is the training period after joining the job, imagine 70%+ Army of this organisation are not working what they are trained on. Instead, taking jobs which can be replaced by jobs. What is the purpose of human intelligence?

The new Normal has to be well defined and executed. We are living in a world where advanced technology is quite commonly available to almost everyone through Smartphones at least. This is the most fantastic advancement that humanity has achieved. All the discoveries and inventions in the world that come from within will start from the thought process. It is a pity that we are living in a world of chaos where many things are broken for the wrong reasons. We have everything but order, except for technological advancement, which is the only hope for our lives in many ways, its time to think and set our fundamentals right. Many centuries ago, humanity went through many disastrous incidents in many geographical parts of the world. It is only from the past 200 hundred years, advancement in thought process, Education, Technology and infrastructure in terms of medical and manufacturing and innovation that we are living in has changed the world in many ways. Although this is a significant improvement in these areas our during the process of enhancing human life by this advancement, we broke our fundamentals and living with the idea which changed us towards materialistic stuff like Status Quo, Qualifications, Wealth, Luxury. 

In the midst of all this without our knowledge very evidently we missed the idea of living a purposeful life which is the result of many broken pieces of Society, including Religions, Politics, Media our Work nature and culture, our behaviour towards things, situations and people around us with a limited perspective. 

It is high time as there is supposed to be a revolutionary reformation in fixing these issues around us for a better future. We can discuss many aspects of this discussion, but it is essential at this moment in time considering education as the primary factor. The irony here is that we were able to make so much progress in many fields in past 200 years or even 100 years mainly in terms of advancement in almost all parts of the world with broken systems. 

What ifรขโ‚ฌยฆ?  

  • What if our religious institutions follow what was just said with no additional human intervention in the message?
  • What if our education system did not change 200 or 100-year years ago?
  • What if educational institutions would change their scoring mechanism of students?
  • What if they teach what they are supposed to be taught as almost every information in the world is available on Google?
  • What kind of changes do we need to bring to the educational space, which produces more creators in the field of their interest than being a job seeking individual??
  • What if AI takes over all of our jobs? At least most of our jobs?

There are many unanswered questions like these. While these efforts are in the right direction, they are very far from reality – at least not for the next 5-10 years. The inclination is towards the educational system in our society, as this will decide our future. 

70%+ people are not working in their field of study. I ask myself this question again and again: why did I have to spend 15 to 18 years of formal education coming out with a master’s degree in a technical field and working in a completely different domain? The reason could be that the market was not ready to offer more jobs in the field of my study, or I did not have enough depth in concept due to the quality of education provided or even a student can have a better interest in the different field which he/she loves. To take my 1St job, I just need English Communication skills which should be more than enough to begin the journey in my career. With this thought, I begin to think and read why have reached this state of Chaos yet making progress. I started thinking, writing and learning more about this stuff which made me feel like an Eye Opener. 

รขโ‚ฌล“I would like to introduce to a thought experiment that if the entire humanity is a part of an army. The army is working for one organisation who are supposed to make our world better in dealing with attacks from other planets. If schooling and college education is the training period after joining the job, imagine 70%+ Army of this organisation are not working what they are trained on. Instead, taking jobs which can be replaced by any robot or cheap labour.รขโ‚ฌย

1. What is the purpose of human intelligence?

2. How many resources are correctly being utilised, 

2. How many hours of productivity are we losing?

3. What should be added or replaced in our education system to be able to make a better contributor to this humanity?

4. How should we gauge students education which can be a better mechanism than ranking or scores?

During this COVID 19 pandemic, many of us were able to find the reality of the world and able to identify the difference between what is essential and what is not. So, now I am practising to share my thoughts through these articles. Hopefully, this will help as food for thought for you and join the UpSkillShare journey in understanding various aspects of our lives which are supposed to be fixed and make us a much better version of ourselves for tomorrow. At least this is the right time to think about a better definition of the new normal after this pandemic attaches in 2020, the new normal has to be well defined. However, it is not easy to migrate from Legacy mechanisms of our operation to a defined New Normal, which is an excellent opportunity for us to progress and prosper without more Chaos.

My definition of the New Normal in the Educational Space: Supposed to be Enabling a Student to Think, Experience, Practice and Execute Without Fear of Failure. Current education has to be updated with new expectations from students as it is more focused on building scientists or engineers but missing the crucial component of making them understand รขโ‚ฌล“why we are doing what we are doing?รขโ‚ฌย. This shouldnรขโ‚ฌโ„ขt come from external factors. It should come from Within, with an intense thought process which makes us emotionally stronger to achieve something big. Over 80% of the students are tuned to the idea of getting a job with the qualifications they acquired and fell into the dangerous cycle of a normal human being. There are so many things which are not being addressed in our education system, which is supposed to be a crucial part since the odds of success are just a matter of probability. I am trying to test and practice my theory through It is just like rolling a die until you get a number that you expected. This is a great topic that we can discuss in another article.

Hopefully, the new National Educational Policy in India will address these aspects to make a student as a thoughtful human being by the end of graduation and make more creators and employers.

School photo created by mindandi –

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